Wordless Wednesday: Run Free Sweet Eivor

a black and white whippet running a forest with lush spring leaves
a black and white whippet running a forest with lush spring leaves

There are no words to describe how much we love you and how you will always live on in our hearts.

Eivor passed away peacefully last night. He had enjoyed so many good moments despite his illness and handled everything with such love and grace.

We will share some of those moments over the next few weeks to celebrate his life. He always wanted to live it to the full and take as many memories with him as possible.

Pearl seems to understand where Eivor is in a way that has always been much smarter than our own understanding of a spirit’s comings and goings. Her friendship with Eivor transcends his passing from one world to the next and we know that our own friendship with Eivor will transcend his passing too.

Wishing you all a peaceful Wednesday,

with love from Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Through the Gap

a black whippet in a black jacket running through a gap between two grassy banks
a black whippet in a black jacket leaping through a gap between two grassy banks

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: Every Shade of Green

a black whippet in a black jacket leaping across a field, all four paws off the ground
a black whippet in a black jacket leaping across a field, with only his left hind touching the ground

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

CMMC: May Colors – Forest or Dark Green

Wordless Wednesday: Spring Flowers

a senior black whippet in a maroon and grey jacket on a woodland trail
daffodils and spring grass

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

Rag Tag Daily Prompt: Gracious

Wordless Wednesday: Forest Flowers

a blue and white whippet in a warm jacket running down a grassy bank
close up of wood anemone growing in the forest

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

CMMC: April Alphabet – Letter F at the Beginning or End of a Word

Wordless Wednesday: Song of the Sea

close up of a senior black whippet with silver hairs on his face
close up of a rocky outcrop with seaweed, part under water

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

CFFC: Water

Wordless Wednesday: Lochside Walkies

Cairngorms National Park

a black whippet in a winter jacket sprinting along the loch shore
loch shore with snow on the peaks above the tree line

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge: Dog Walking

Wordless Wednesday: Light Frost

two whippets in winter jackets pausing on a forest trail
a woodland stream with frost on the grass in the shadow of the trees

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

Rag Tag Daily Prompt: Residue

Wordless Wednesday: Earth Stories

Cairngorms National Park

two whippets in winter jackets on a forest trail
dappled light filtering through the trees along a mountain river

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

Lens-Artists Weekly Photo Challenge #192: Earth Stories

Word of the Day Challenge: Irresistible

Wordless Wednesday: Deep Sand Discoveries

two whippets in winter jackets approaching a piece of driftwood on the beach
a blue and white whippet in a winter jacket sniffing a larger dog's paw print in the sand

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Thank you Cee for honouring us with this post as a CMMC Featured Blogger!

CMMC Featured Blogger Ribbon

Wordless Wednesday

CMMC: March Alphabet – Letter D at the Beginning or End of a Word
(dogs, driftwood, deep sand, dunes and discoveries)