Sweet Dreams Sweet Pearl

a black whippet surrounded by bluebells in a woodland garden
two whippets walking side by side across a wooden walkway

We are beyond devastated to let you know that Pearl followed Eivor across the rainbow bridge this morning.

She took a bad turn yesterday afternoon with a racing heart and a high temperature and stayed at the vets overnight, where her condition initially became stable. This morning she took another bad turn and the vet said that the kindest thing was to let her go.

I spent an hour by her side before she slipped away and wished her the safest journey.

Pearl was the sweetest, bravest and cheekiest soul we were lucky enough to share so many wonderful years with in this life.

She and Eivor were inseparable and now they are together again.

I am taking a break from blogging on Whippet Wisdom for the moment and will post my haiku, haibun, tanka, and other poems and photographs on my nature blog, Tranature.

Thank you all for walking along with us here over the years. It has been a great pleasure to share the natural beauty as seen through the eyes of our beloved friends. Their spirit will always live on in our hearts.

Peace and blessings to you all and thank you for your friendship,

with love from Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Word of the Day Challenge: Bereft

Tanka: Brushed by Moonlight

a blue and white whippet looking between the trees down at the water of the woodland pond

daybreak –
a shimmer on the pond
by last night’s moon
swans feed in the shallows

© Xenia Tran

a pair of swans feeding in a woodland pond

Wishing you all a happy Thursday and a peaceful rest of the week,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

We are grateful and delighted that the above tanka has been included in
One Moment at a Time, Tanka Society of America Members’ 2022 Anthology.

One Moment at a Time Anthology cover

Warm-hearted thanks to Jim Chessing and Tanka Society of America for featuring my poem and putting this beautiful anthology together.

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Tanka Thursday: Moon

Wordless Wednesday: Every Shade of Green

a black whippet in a black jacket leaping across a field, all four paws off the ground
a black whippet in a black jacket leaping across a field, with only his left hind touching the ground

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

CMMC: May Colors – Forest or Dark Green

Wordless Wednesday: Spring Flowers

a senior black whippet in a maroon and grey jacket on a woodland trail
daffodils and spring grass

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Wordless Wednesday

Rag Tag Daily Prompt: Gracious

Tanka: Renewal

close up of a blue and white whippet on a woodland trail by a small loch

light settles
in tree stumps
and flowers
diligent notes
of spring’s renewal

© Xenia Tran

a blue and white whippet on a woodland trail with fading daffodils

Wishing you all a happy Monday and a peaceful new week,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Rag Tag Daily Prompt: Stump

Your Daily Word Prompt: Diligent