Tanka Prose: The Carer’s Carer

For Walter and all of you who care for others.


Walter is saying goodbye to us at dVerse Poets to take care of his wife of 32 years and put his poetry on the back-burner for a little while. Like so many of us who care for loved ones, whether four-legged or on two legs, there is so much I learned along the way from those who went there before me.

When you roll up your sleeves to look after others it is important you also take time to roll them back down and look after you. The more you look after yourself the better you are able to care for those you love.

Your muse
becomes the carer’s carer
the changing colours
of the dragonfly.

© Xenia Tran


Thank you for hosting at the bar Walter and we wish you all the best. You and your wife are in our prayers.

With love from us all,

Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, unedited.

Camera: Lumix Panasonic FZ38, settings: Indoor Portrait and Outdoor Portrait.

dVerse Poetic Tuesday – Sweet Sorrow

Carpe Diem Tanka Splendor #8 Dragonfly