Thank You for Spreading the Love

a black whippet and a blue and white whippet catching the morning sun in their large dog bed

We are delighted to share that we are sponsoring a kennel with the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, also known as the SSPCA, at two of their Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centres.

The SSPCA is Scotland’s largest animal welfare and rescue charity with nine Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centres across the country. They rescue, nurture and rehome animals, investigate abuse and play a vital role in research and education on animal welfare.

You can read more about the amazing work they do and watch a lovely introductory video on their website.

photograph of two kennel sponsorship certificates from the SSPCA

In addition to sponsoring the kennels at the SSPCA we were able to sponsor a special kennel at the Scottish Greyhound Sanctuary in support of the Macau greyhounds. You can read their story in the post Helping the Hounds of Macau and a further update in Edge of New Tomorrows.

We are also very grateful that we could make a small donation to Dogs on the Streets (DOTS), a charity that cares for the dogs of the homeless and helps to find them and their owners suitable housing. You can read more about this story in our post My Friend, My Rock.

These are all small steps that are part of a longer journey.

a black whippet and a blue and white whippet relaxing in their dog bed in the living room

If you haven’t got your copy yet, please consider ordering Sharing Our Horizon from your favourite online or local bookstore.

It will give you a lovely memento with a selection of poems and photographs featured on this blog and helps to support dogs who are looking for their forever homes.

Look Inside Cover for Sharing Our Horizon
Click on the cover to look inside …

Thank you so much for all your help,

with love from Eivor, Pearl and Xenia xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Becca’s Nurturing Thursday: Progress

Rag Tag Daily Prompt: Nurture

Author: whippetwisdom

The stories, poems and photographs on this blog are the original creative work of Xenia Tran. Inspired by life in the Scottish Highlands and in awe of nature she gives voice to the wisdom of her adopted and fostered whippets.

54 thoughts on “Thank You for Spreading the Love”

  1. Aww that’s AMAZING Xenia!! Congratulations!! What a wonderful act of kindness for hounds. The rehomer charity that we adopted T from has shared a lot of news about the Canidrome finally closing & greyhounds being rehomed. Such mammoth task. I saw that some were being fostered by a Scottish charity. What truly wonderful folk you are. Lots of love from T & me. 🐶🐾🐾😘💕💕💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Penny and for all your support 💜 The international rescue operation of the Canidrome hounds was one of the biggest we’ve ever been blessed enough to support and we are so happy they are safe now. Hope all is well with you and much love to you and Tia from all of us here 🤗🐾💖🐾 xxx

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      1. And what a relief to know the Canidrome is closed. What those poor hounds endured. Our previous sighthound adoptee before Tia was a retired Greyhound. And what an absolute beauty he was. It took months for him to let us gently touch his ears. They’re such a misunderstood & abused breed. So many of them desperately need their forever sofas. And what a huge help you are towards that happening. Sighthound superheroes!! Much love from here.💖💕💕💕

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    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Cathy and we’re delighted we’re already able to make donations within our first year of publication 💜 Thank you too for all your support and much love to you and Finn from all of us here 🤗🐾💖🐾 xxx


  2. Wonderful way to help the other beauties needing homes and care. I just ordered the Kindle version of your book. I’m waiting for it to download. I’m looking forward to seeing your Beauties and reading your poems. Keep up the great love! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear E.C. and for all your support 💜 We hope you’ll enjoy the photographs and poems and much love to you and Shelibean from all of us here 🤗🐾💖🐾 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ~Standing Ovation~ Your book is a pleasant comforting journey with trivia, inspirational, smiles, poems and oh my the wonderful photos of the scenery and the Beauties in all their glory. Much love to you and the Beauties from SheliBean and me. We wish you great success with your book. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for your kind words dear E.C., we’re so happy you enjoy it! 🙂💜 Thank you for all the good wishes and a wonderful weekend to you and SheliBean too 🤗🐾💖🐾 xxx

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  3. Do Eivor and Pearl realize they are ‘working dogs’?! What great work you and they do to help others in need. We rescued a sweet two year old recently and my recent loss of Emmy is slowly receeding as this new young man is winning me over. He, too, is ‘working’ hard for a place in my heart, my bed, and has done a terrific job thus far. Will be introducing him soon…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Denise and we’re so happy to hear you have adopted a two year old 🙂💜 We look forward to meeting him soon! Much love to you and the new boy and please give him a big pat from us all 🤗🐾💖🐾 xxx

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  4. Rescues are so important to so many animals — most of them work tirelessly!! All of mine (2 Aussies and 6 cats) are rescues and we wouldn’t have it any other way! ❤ Thank you for doing your part in awareness!! — Thank you for linking with Nurturing Thursday!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words dear Becca and for hosting this lovely challenge 💜 So happy your Aussies and cats have found a loving home with you – please give them a big pat from us all 🤗🐾💖🐾 xxx

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  5. So kind of your to sponsor a couple of kennels, Xenia. Very kind of you to think of others and their pets. The least we can do in this world is to help one another in any way possible. Keep up the good work 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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