Stop Yulin

Our dog loving friends in China and in the US have asked us to spread the word. There are several online petitions and this is only one of them.


Please feel free to support this peaceful move to help save and protect dogs in China. You can sign the petition here:

End the Yulin Dog Meat Festival

Our own message on the petition reads like this:

Dogs are about love and peace. They were created by God to spread love and peace. We owe it to them to love them and allow them to live in peace.

With love from Xenia xxx

Daily Prompt: Empty

Photographs provided by iheartdogs

Author: whippetwisdom

The stories, poems and photographs on this blog are the original creative work of Xenia Tran. Inspired by life in the Scottish Highlands and in awe of nature she gives voice to the wisdom of her adopted and fostered whippets.

17 thoughts on “Stop Yulin”

  1. Shocking. Going to tell my mother and get a petition up at our vets. Beautiful words Xenia, dogs are animals of joy and love. Will sign the petition and can I reblog this on my site? (I’ll have to get my son to sort it if I can reblog…)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ‘No animal is so in tune with humans as dogs. They are born to be our friends, and you do not torture your friends. I don’t think any tradition that revolves around violence is worth keeping around. All creatures, people ánd animals, deserve to live in a peaceful word, where we can all co exist without pain and cruelty. Please, think beyond your whallet, think beyond selfishness, think about the world you live in, and the kind of world you want that to be.’

    This is my message, this is what I stand by. Thank you for being my Instagram friend. Let’s keep fighting this battle, until justice is served.


    Sammy (worldofsammy) and my human Nora

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    1. Thank you Serena, we did not know about it until some of our dog loving friends from China and the US contacted us via Instagram. This particular petition was still open as many others had already closed. I cannot verify this, but there was a report on MSN yesterday which claimed that more than 11 million people worldwide had signed online petitions to stop the practice. With so much consciousness raised we hope the practice will not be able to continue. We can all make a difference when we join for the greater good. Thank you so much for caring :o)

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  3. The other petitions had been going for some time before we learned about it and this is the beauty of the power of the internet when you can share information for the greater good so quickly :o)


  4. This is the very reason I’m vegetarian. Its terrible news that this is still happening in today’s world and that some in China enjoy eating dogs and cats :(. I’m so glad you brought this to everyone’s attention

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