My Friend The Seal


When our eyes connect
your spirit seems familiar
from another time
and I wonder where you are
when the wind is strong
and the waves start running wild
while I look for you
the seagulls reassure me
you were made to swim.

Your light continues to shine
in the winter storm
when you reappear above
the churning water
we smile in recognition
of understanding
an ancient bond remembered,
a connection beyond words.

© Xenia Tran


With love to you all,
Eivor xxx

Photographs by Xenia Tran, edited in lr.

Camara: Panasonic Lumix FZ200, setting: iA.

In response to dVerse Poets Pub Form For All – The Choka

At dVerse, Gayle invites us to write a Choka. The Choka is an unrhymed poem alternating five and seven syllables that ends with an extra seven syllable line. You can use the 17 or 19 onji (syllable) style.  It can be any number of lines that you choose.

Daily Prompt: Float

Author: whippetwisdom

The stories, poems and photographs on this blog are the original creative work of Xenia Tran. Inspired by life in the Scottish Highlands and in awe of nature she gives voice to the wisdom of her adopted and fostered whippets.

50 thoughts on “My Friend The Seal”

    1. Thank you Liesbet, I have often wondered that too. They both ‘bark’ as well, and they have a natural connection. Eivor loves seeing them and we have to stop him going in the water. The seals come to greet us too. Thank you for stopping by and much love to you and Mark xxx

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    1. Thank you dear Angelika, it is so kind of you to mention this. I am aware of the German word ‘Seehund’and the Dutch ‘zeehond’ also means ‘sea dog’. Thank you for stopping by and we wish you a wonderful rest of the day xxx

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    1. Thank you for sharing this Anne, it will be so special to have this connection with your horse. They are such wise old souls and it is beautiful when you have a bond that feels ancient and remembered xxx

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  1. I love when I have connections to animals in this way. It truly seems a spiritual moment when we can come together with a wild animal and find camaraderie. Love the photo of that little seal head bobbing in the choppy water. Beautiful, Xenia, thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Gayle, those moments are so magical and it is a pleasure to share ☺ Thank you again for introducing us to this wonderful poetry form and have a blessed weekend 💖 xxx


  2. ~applause~ That’s so cool. A seal, an actual seal. I love it. I can’t imagine living where you could see a seal in the wild. Your photos and poetry are wonderful. 🙂

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